5 Holiday Foods that are Safe Pet Treats

How to Share Holiday Cheer with Our Cats & Dogs
We recently shared 15 Foods to Keep Away from Pets, which will help avoid any food-related health problems as you celebrate this year. On a positive note, there are safe treats to share with your cat or dog this holiday season. Consider these foods to be bite-sized treats. Overindulgence is as unhealthy for pets as it is for people.
1. Plain Cooked Lean Meat, Poultry or Fish

Bites of meat, poultry or fish are always exciting for pets! And it’s perfectly safe if you follow these guidelines:
- The food is not raw
- Meat is cooked plain, without onions, garlic or shallots
- There are no bones, gristle, skin or fat
2. Some Raw Veggies

Raw baby carrots and frozen green beans are the favorite treats of many dogs. And these treats help satisfy the need to chew.
3. Scrambled or Boiled Eggs

When making deviled eggs, save a little plain boiled egg for your cat or dog! Eggs are full of protein and amino acids and make a very healthy treat.
4. Peanut Butter

Peanut butter is full of healthy fats, protein and vitamins. A taste is great for your pets (although peanut butter every day would contribute to obesity). Avoid sugar-free options, as they may contain xylitol, which is highly toxic to pets. Your best option is all-natural, peanuts-only butter.
5. Plain, Cooked Pumpkin

Try treating your cat or dog with a spoonful of plain, cooked pumpkin puree. Many pets enjoy this flavor, and pumpkin has a variety of vitamins, minerals and fiber. Pumpkin pie is a big NO, though! Spices like nutmeg are toxic to pets.
Enjoy sharing some holiday food favorites with your pet! And if you’re feeling chef-y, try out 2 Amazing and Easy Treats to Make for Your Dog and 2 Yummy Treats to Make for Your Cat.