Allergic Reactions: Anaphylactic Shock and Your Dog
Grady Vet veterinarian Dr. Barnett discusses anaphylactic shock in dogs and how to tell if your dog is having an allergic reaction. If you suspect a reaction, call your veterinarian immediately.

Symptoms of Allergic Reaction in Dogs
Your dog might be having an allergic reaction if you notice these symptoms:
- Itching skin
- Redness to the eyes
- Runny nose
- Sneezing or wheezing
- Difficulty breathing
Dogs often display allergy symptoms after coming inside from spending time outdoors. It’s a serious condition because allergic reaction may precede anaphylactic shock. Dr. Barnett recommends bringing your dog in for evaluation right away.
Symptoms of Anaphylactic Shock in Dogs
The situation has become serious if you see any of these additional symptoms in your dog:
- Hives
- Swollen face or muzzle
- Excessive salivation / drooling
- Vomiting / diarrhea
- Difficulty breathing
- Cyanosis – bluish tint to tongue and gums

What Your Veterinarian Will Do for an Allergic Reaction
Your veterinarian’s first goal will be to stabilize your pet. They will want to administer medication, likely an anti-inflammatory (usually a steroid) and an anti-allergy injection (usually Benadryl) to stop the reaction and prevent it from getting worse. They will keep the dog at the hospital for monitoring for a short time and will usually send the owner home with anti-allergy medication.
Can I Give Oral Benadryl Before Bringing My Dog In?
Maybe. Before administering any medication to your dog, call your veterinarian to get the accurate dosing information. Also, make sure the veterinary staff know you have already given medication, so they can adjust their dosages.