Keep Pets Safe this 4th of July

Help Your Cats & Dogs Enjoy a Safe, Happy Holiday
Summer is heating up, and so are Americans’ plans for celebrating our country’s birthday. Before breaking out the BBQ grills and lawn sprinklers, plan for your cat or dog’s safety and enjoyment for the day.
- The 4th of July holiday is known for loud displays of fireworks and at-home firecracker displays. Most pets hate these noises and vibrations. Consider giving your pet a relaxing day inside instead of venturing out on long walks or to outdoor parties.
- Many pets are also anxious or excitable around crowds, which is another reason to keep your pet inside for the day. Your pet may not like that 4th of July parade as much as you hope.
- If your pet is anxious during fireworks, your veterinarian can help. There are certain veterinary medications that help with stress and anxiety. Reach out to your veterinary office ASAP, as it may not be possible to source medications same-day.
- Calming vests can also help dogs feel more comforted. Here are reviews for several brands.
- The best indoor environment for an anxious pet is a room with no windows. Some pets try to escape through windows if they are particularly triggered by fireworks. Also, make the room cozy and familiar, with favorite bedding and toys. Play calming music or background TV shows.
- Never use fireworks around your pet! This includes sparklers and other small firecrackers. Keep pets securely locked inside if you’re setting off your own fireworks. Pets have been known to act unpredictably around fireworks, including attacking them as they are lit. Avoid this deadly scenario.

Toxins to Keep Away from Your Pet During and After the 4th of July
When the holiday celebrations are over, there’s still a need to keep your pet safe from what’s leftover. Here are several toxic items that pets can have an unhealthy curiosity about:
- Used fireworks
- Tiki torches
- Citronella candles
- Matches
- Lighter fluid
- Insect repellent
- Sunscreen
Avoid Feeding Your Pet these Toxic Party Foods
We love to share with our pets, but these common summer party foods and ingredients are toxic to our furry friends.
- Onions
- Garlic
- Grapes
- Alcohol
- Chocolate
- Macadamia nuts
- Avocados
- Spinach
Before giving your dog a taste of what you’re eating, consider if any of those ingredients might be mixed in.
Watch Shelley’s video “4th of July Safety Tips for Pets” for more insight, and check out our Summer Pet Safety Resources for many more tips. As a 24/7 emergency veterinary hospital in Cincinnati, we see many summer accidents, and we want to help prevent as many as we can. Cheers to a safe and happy summer!