Learning about Kitties for National Cat Lovers’ Month

Why Does Your Cat DO THAT? 5 Behaviors Explained
December is National Cat Lovers’ Month. What better way to celebrate than to delve into the mysterious minds of felines and try to understand what makes them tick?
Why Do Cats Roll on Their Backs?
Nancy and Pistachio answer pressing question about cat behavior: Why do cats roll on their backs? They share three reasons, including… just for fun!
Watch the video: Why Do Cats Roll on Their Back?
Why Do Cats Eat Plants?
Cats are notorious for chewing on houseplants, but why? Nancy and Pistachio explain how plants help cats with digestion and fur balls. But be careful to keep toxic plants out of the home!
Watch the video: Why Do Cats Eat Plants?
Why Do Cats Lick and Groom So Much?
Nancy of Grady Veterinary Hospital and her friend Pistachio share the many reasons why cats love to groom and lick themselves, each other and YOU.
Watch the video: Why Do Cats Lick and Groom So Much?
Why Do Cats Knock Things on the Floor?
Cats are curious and need a safe, enriching environment. Nancy and Pistachio of Grady Veterinary Hospital explore why cats knock things over and enjoy them hitting the floor.
Watch the video: Why Do Cats Knock Things on the Floor?
Why Do Cats Do These Gross Things?
Digging in the litter box… bringing you dead rodents… why do cats do these gross things? Nancy explains the instinctive behavior that drives cats to do things their people might consider yucky.
Watch the video: Why Do Cats Do These Gross Things?
For more cat behavior conversation, check out our article “7 Cat Behaviors De-Mystified.” Enjoy some special time with your cat during Cat Lovers’ Month!