Spring into Action with 4 Pet Safety Tips

Get Ready for Warmer Days
Spring is officially here (and some days, it may even feel like it!). We covered common toxins for Poison Prevention Awareness Month, and now we’ll give more pet safety tips for spring.
Prevent Lost Pets
We’re spending more time outdoors, and may even open a window or two to let in some fresh air. Cats or dogs might see this as their time to escape on an adventure of their own. Pay attention to your feet as you open and close doors, and use screens in your windows.
You’ll also want to walk your fence to make sure it’s still escape-proof. Winter weather can be tough on outdoor structures, not to mention friendly, burrowing pests like chipmunks. Also, remind your kids to keep gates closed now that they may be playing outside more.
Sometimes, nothing keeps a determined pet from escaping. Having your dog or cat microchipped will improve the likelihood that your pet will be returned to you safely.

DIY: Do-it-Yourself Safety
DIY projects around the home are fun, frugal and rewarding! But don’t let your pet help. Keep cats and dogs safely out of the construction zone. Besides paint and other chemical toxins, your pet may be physically injured. They could knock over a ladder, or take too much interest in sharp tools. You just can’t keep a close eye on them while you’re working.
And when the project is done (congratulations!), carefully stow away all tools and sweep for debris. A curious cat or dog will certainly find any nails or paint chips you missed.

Keep Up with Flea and Tick Prevention
We recommend year-round flea and tick prevention. Cincinnati usually has some period of mild weather during the winter that might allow fleas and ticks to emerge.
But if you haven’t kept up on giving your pet preventative medication, now is the time to start. Fleas and ticks will start to emerge when temperatures are as low as 70 degrees Fahrenheit, although they do prefer even warmer temps.
Prevent Seasonal Allergies
Does your pet have seasonal allergies? Symptoms include:
- Scratching themselves
- Licking or chewing paws
- Rubbing or rolling around excessively
- Sniffling or sneezing
Your dog or cat doesn’t have to suffer! Contact your veterinarian for guidance.
Check out our video for more Pet Safety Tips for Spring, and follow us on Facebook for our latest.